
Issue Number #40
Issue Date Summer 2008
Number of Articles Online 1 Articles
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Title Coordinator's News
Author Ruth Mollison
Position Project Manager
Organisation Understorey Network Inc

It's seed collecting time in the bush!

So pack a picnic and some paper bags and have a go. It is a very satisfying, addictive pastime. Our seed bank has been depleted by a record number of growers (87!) in the 2007 growing season, and we are relying on the support from members to replenish seed stocks for the 2008 spring growing season.

The most effective way to collect seed is to have a local bush patch that you can check, in readiness to harvest the seed before it disperses. Many of the daisies (everlasting daisy, dusty daisy bush etc) are fluffing up now, ready to be wind dispersed. The native peas (parrot pea, bush peas, running postman etc) may be ready in your area: some of these have already ripened. Peas are tricky to catch as the pods tend to explode on a hot day, so watch them closely for ripeness- if the seed is ripe it's hard to crack with a fingernail. The native grasses (silver tussock, spear grass etc) are setting seed now also: run your hand along the seed head and if they are ready the seed will come away from the stalk easily.

Other seeds that are needed are wattles, flag iris, native hopbush, prickly box and banksia, sedges and lilies.

Remember to collect into paper bags with three basic pieces of information written on the bag: the DATE, the LOCATION and the PLANT NAME common or scientific. If you are unsure of the plant name, put a seed pod in the bag and tape some leaves on the outside plus a description.

I may be able to pick up your seeds depending on the location, or you can mail them to PO BOX 4535 Bathurst Street Hobart 7000. Seeds are cleaned and repackaged in the office.

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