
Issue Number #39
Issue Date Spring 2007
Number of Articles Online 1 Articles
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Title Stories on Understorey Happenings (2): Planting Day at Murrayfields

An interesting design had been marked out on the ground by the trainees and the decision had been made to plant a "weaving garden". Understorey members, Oliver Strutt, Christine Bateman, Susan Friend and Amanda Cole along with Ruth, aboriginal trainees, STEPS students, helped Greening Australia staff and volunteers to plant 650 tubestock (approx. 500 USN plants), in the saltscald waterlogged site at Murrayfields on North Bruny.

Photo: Amanda, Susan, Ruth and Christine

The previous week, school students had put in approximately 500 USN tubestock at another site on the property.

We have made our mark on Murrayfields!

Photo: Susan watering in the new plants

After a long morning, planters were treated to a barbecue under the trees at lunchtime. Being "well fed and watered" most managed to plant some more tubestock after lunch, before catching the ferry back to Kettering later in the afternoon. We are hopeful the site can be monitored so we can get reports on the success or otherwise of the plantings.

Photo: Anna from Greening Australia

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