
Issue Number #39
Issue Date Spring 2007
Number of Articles Online 1 Articles
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Title Coordinator's News
Author Ruth Mollison
Position Project Manager
Organisation Understorey Network Inc

October has been our busiest month of the year, with the Grower's Scheme Depot Day, the displays at the Sustainable Living Tasmania's Expo in the Hobart City Hall and The Tasmanian Landcare Conference at Ross, plus our Annual General Meeting at the Botanical Gardens.

We have also completed a series of eight Coastal Garden Design workshops, sponsored by NRM North and held at coastal towns in Northern Tasmania.

The result of all this activity is a growth in membership and in our growing power - this spring we have issued material to grow 20,000 tube stock plants in people's backyards!

Once again we have several projects to grow for including a big southern project titled "Biolinks", focused on making linkages between remnant bushland in the Kingborough/Huon municipalities and for several Tasmanian Land Conservancy sites to follow up with planting after weed removal. Many growers are expressing a preference for growing plants for projects, so we will continue to develop partnerships with suitable project proponents.

As you can see in the newsletter, our partnership with Life Without Barriers (formerly Kalista) and Sustainable Living Tasmania is producing great results at the Tolosa Community Nursery. Our Green Corp team has finished the job of getting the site up and running and now we are looking for more community involvement.

Well happy planting for Spring - fingers crossed it's a good growing season this year!

Ruth Mollison

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Database development and website design by Andrew Smith