
Issue Number #38
Issue Date Winter 2007
Number of Articles Online 1 Articles
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Title A Letter From the USN Management Committee President
Author Anne Griffiths
Position President
Organisation Understorey Network Inc

Never, ever, give up! Bursaria spinosa, sown in October, erupted spectacularly this week (33/35 pots). Blackwoods also took months more than they are supposed to, to germinate the message is, don't throw out those "empty" pots till your patience has gone!

Thank you to those growers who have returned their growers' charts. The results from these have been collated and a summary is in this newsletter. Those who haven't yet returned them please do as the information is important for our records.

Hopefully we will know at the end of the month about our NRM funding for next year; meanwhile we have been very successful with smaller grants for specific projects. Our Deductible Grant Recipient Status, which means that donations to the USN are tax deductible, has resulted in numerous donations from some members of the public as well as members for which we are very grateful.

On that note a renewal form for subscription is included in this newsletter. Please if you are happy with what we are doing renew your subscription, if you decide not to renew let us know why. Your feed-back is vital to our ongoing success as a grass-roots, community based organisation.

Copyright 2000-2009, Understorey Network Incorporated. Updated 2025-02-17
Database development and website design by Andrew Smith