
Issue Number #38
Issue Date Winter 2007
Number of Articles Online 1 Articles
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Title Coordinator's News
Author Ruth Mollison
Position Project Manager
Organisation Understorey Network Inc

The Understorey Network has received the 2007 Tasmanian Community Award for Environmental Excellence. Whooppee!!

This award (sponsored by Tasmanian Together 2020) was for our project funded by NRM South and NRM North in 2005/2006 titled "Growing Plants and Communities Together".

I was the very proud recipient of the award at a prestigious awards dinner held at Wrest point. I would like to take this opportunity to thank the committee PLUS volunteers PLUS all members for contributing to our success. In particular, a BIG thankyou to the following people:

Annie Griffiths: our president who chairs committee meetings with diplomacy and tact plus puts in extra time in the office sorting out the membership database.

The executive of the committee: who are all admirably suited to their roles, and do much more beyond the monthly meetings: Mary Jolly, secretary, Rupert Manners, treasurer, Joan Rodrigues Vice president.

Plus committee members: Brian Griffiths, Peter McGlone, Angela Jackson, Warner Wait and Kris Schaffer, for attending lengthy evening meetings and contributing so much to discussion.

Martin Luther: the seedbanker extraordinaire, for putting in countless hours sorting and storing seeds, now with beautiful new printed labels.

Amanda Cole: Our nursery organiser, for doing great pot shuffles, pot pickups and stock takes at the new (cold) community nursery.

Liz Quinn: the newsletter compiler, for putting together interesting stories with assistance from baby Neve.

De Deegan: for also helping out in the office..

This award is an accolade for everyone in the Understorey Network: well done all!

Copyright 2000-2009, Understorey Network Incorporated. Updated 2024-07-27
Database development and website design by Andrew Smith