
Issue Number #37
Issue Date Summer 2007
Number of Articles Online 1 Articles
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Title Propagation Database Project Update

As you know the Understorey Network has been running a small Envirofund project to update the plant propagation database. The project has involved researching and adding new records to the database.

This was a difficult task as the information gaps were often for the less well known species that did not appear in the literature. Thanks to those members who assisted Angela with information. We have added close to 400 records to the database, including many of the grasses and sedges. Many more photographs of individual species have also been added.

Before you rush off to check out the new information... We are waiting to upload the updated database onto our new website. The redesigned website will be up and running by midyear. To ensure the plant propagation database is fully utilised by members and non-members alike, a flyer is being produced to promote the database and give instructions on how to navigate around the site.

Copyright 2000-2009, Understorey Network Incorporated. Updated 2024-07-16
Database development and website design by Andrew Smith