
Issue Number #37
Issue Date Summer 2007
Number of Articles Online 1 Articles
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Title A word from the President
Author Anne Griffiths
Position President
Organisation Understorey Network Inc

Well it hasn't been the best growing season we've ever had, so if you've had some spectacular failures you are not alone. However there have been spectacular successes too and several thousand plants are nearly ready for planting. Please, receivers, return your empty pots to us. Apart from the terrible waste of not re-using them, their cost is significant.

I have been doing the membership entering for Ruth, but will be away during July and August. Therefore we need a volunteer to do this for that time, as it will be the busiest time with renewing memberships. It would involve about two to three hours per week in the USN office. If there is a member out there who would like to help we'd be very grateful. If so please ring Ruth on 6234-4286.

Financially we're surviving well, almost ready to start applying for corporate and philanthropic funding. We'll keep you posted!

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Database development and website design by Andrew Smith