
Issue Number #36
Issue Date Spring 2006
Number of Articles Online 1 Articles
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Title A Summary of The Understorey Network's Strategy

The Understorey Network is now ten years old - an appropriate time to review our organization and draft a strategy to guide us for the next ten years. The Management committee, project manager and members have all had an opportunity to provide input and suggestions into a strategy. Developing this strategy has enabled us to outline a vision, define our aspirations, identify barriers and followup with actions. It will give us a means of measuring progress and a focus to review our failures and successes. Here is a sample of key elements of the strategy.

Our vision is to be a key service provider for vegetation technical support and resources while continuing to be a grass roots community organisation.

Our Aspirations are to:

  • Have a supported and active membership.
  • Achieve identifiable landscape and vegetation change.
  • Be a key provider of accessible accurate information and resources on vegetation management.
  • Have influential links and communication with the wider natural resource management network.
  • Have ongoing financial stability.

A full version of the strategy is available on request from Ruth Mollison.

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Database development and website design by Andrew Smith