
Issue Number #35
Issue Date Winter 2006
Number of Articles Online 1 Articles
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Title Understories - Landcarer Extrodinaire

Margaret Andrews planted out her large garden with native plants several years ago, and enjoys propagating natives so much, that she now grows plants for her Landcare group, Rosny Point Montagu Bay Landcare, as well as other Landcare groups.

Margaret houses her ever increasing number of plants in a purpose built shadehouse. As the plants grow, they are moved to a couple of benches in a sunny spot in the garden. Margaret also collects seeds from the bush in her area, and has contributed valuable amounts to the seedbank.

She has just handed over the last of her Spring tubestock to the Tranmere-Clarence Plains Land and Coastcare group, for some coastal revegetation work. The plants included coastal tussock Poa poiformis, coastal wattle Acacia longifolia ssp. Sophorae, and the common everlasting daisy Chrysocephalum apiculatum.

Margaret participated in the Autumn Grower's Scheme, and already has bulbines, buzzies and flag irises popping up. The lucky recipients of these plants will be the Dodges Ferry Coastcare group, in early summer - just in time to plant before it heats up.

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