
Issue Number #34
Issue Date Autumn 2006
Number of Articles Online 1 Articles
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Title Pushing Up the Daisies

Old cemeteries contain interesting inhabitants from an ecological as well as historical perspective! The cemeteries of the Uniting Church in Campbell Town and Bothwell were the focus of a couple of field days held in January titled 'Pushing up the Daisies'.

The field days were organised as a partnership between Greening Australia and the Understorey Network and featured the exceptional examples of native grassland vegetation in these cemeteries.

The dominant vegetation in these cemeteries is kangaroo grass (Themeda triandra) followed by speargrass (Austrostipa sp.) and wallaby grass. (Austrodanthonia sp.) In between the grass tussocks are a range of daisies, lilies, herbs and orchids - the diversity and colour is truly amazing to see when viewed closely.

Several threatened species have found a haven in the cemeteries, including Gunn's Mignonette (Stackhousia gunii), the Woolly New Holland Daisy (Vittadinia gracilis) and Curtis' Colobanth (Colobanthus curtisiae).

Each of the cemeteries featured a different mix of species, with a general impression of masses of yellow flowering daisies amongst the finer native grasses.

Next time you are travelling through Campbell Town or Bothwell in spring/early summer - take a moment to stop and contemplate the colourful inhabitants of the wonderful grasslands in the Uniting Church cemeteries.

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