
Issue Number #30
Issue Date Summer 2005
Number of Articles Online 1 Articles
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Title Growers Scheme

The grower's scheme has enjoyed a particularly successful season with 9,000 pots and seeds distributed statewide for propagation.

Thanks to the volunteer Coordinators Anna Povey in the North and Louise Jerrim in the South, for a great job in organising the scheme.

We would like to get underway earlier for the coming growing season, with depot collection of kits in September. The challenge this coming season is to grow a greater number and variety of plants for project sites as well as private land.

We will be running some training days in spring in the North and South for new growers-and old ones in need of a refresher course. Keep your eye out on upcoming newsletters for dates and venues.

Pots Needed!

If you no longer require your pots from the grower's kits - please return them to: Greening Australia, 110 Hampden Road, Battery Point. They are valued and re-used for the next season.

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