
Issue Number #33
Issue Date Spring 2005
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Title Seed Collecting This Summer

Its seed collecting time! This is an addictive and satisfying past time, if you haven't done it before, have a go-its easy (see the seed collecting hints liftout). You can do it while waiting for kids to finish their sports match, while fishing along a riverbank, wandering in the bush, or having a cuppa on the side of the road. The Understorey Network banks on seeds to keep it running - we need more seeds.

The seedbank has been depleted with the latest Grower's Scheme underway, and 45 growers statewide receiving seeds. Every bit helps, even if its just a teaspoon full of peas! You don't need to clean and sieve seed pods/nuts/capsules, just keep them in a labelled paperbag or envelope in a cool dry place.

The Understorey Network now has two sets of stacking sieves, one in the north and one in the south - I will organise seed cleaning days in the colder months in your area, or here at Greening Australia, using the sieves.

We need seed from all areas around Tasmania, to ensure we can offer seeds with local provenance to growers.

We need seeds from a wide diversity of plants and trees.

Many of the daisies are nearly ready to collect. Keep an eye on the pea family, as the seeds are released suddenly when ripe.

The following municipalities have no, or very few, seeds in the seedbank:

Municipality Localities
Break O'Day Bicheno, St Helens, Scamander
Central Coast Ulverstone, Penguin, Riana
Central Highlands Bothwell, Hamilton, Ouse, Miena
Circular Head Stanley, Smithton, Marrawah
Glamorgan-Spring Bay Swansea, Triabunna, Buckland
Kentish Sheffield, Cradle Valley, Barrington
Latrobe Port Sorell, Latrobe
Meander Valley Hagley, Deloraine, Weegena
Northern Midlands Ross, Campbell Town, Longford
Southern Midlands Bagdad, Oatlands, Pontville
Waratah-Wynyard Sisters Beach, Wynyard, Yolla
West Coast Zeehan, Strahan, Queenstown

Seeds that are commonly used, and we need are listed below. It would be very useful if you can collect some of these from your area:

Species Common Name
Acacia genistifolia Spreading Wattle
Acacia lanogifolia Coastal Wattle
Acacia mucronata Sallow Wattle
Acacia riceana Arching Wattle
Acacia verticillata Prickly Moses
Aotus ericoides Golden Pea
Austrodanthonia sp. Wallaby Grass
Banksia marginata Banksia
Bossiaea sp. Pea
Bulbine bulbosa Bulbine Lily
Bursaria spinosa Prickly Box
Bursaria spinosa Prickly Box
Callistemon pallidus Lemon Bottlebrush
Carex appressa Tall Sedge
Chrysocephalum sp. Everlasting Daisy
Daviesia ulicifolia Native Gorse
Dillwynia sp. Parrotpea
Diplarrena moaea White Flag Iris
Helichrysum scorpioides Culing Everlasting
Indigofera australis Native Indigo
Juncus pallidus Rush
Kennedia prostrata Running Postman
Leptospermum lanigerum Woolly Teatree
Leptospermum scoparium Manuka
Lomandra longifolia Sagg
Melaleuca gibbosa Scented Honeymyrtle
Melaleuca squarrosa Scented Paperbark
Olearia sp. Daisybush
Poa labillardierei Silver Tussock Grass
Pultenea daphnoides Heartleaf Bushpea
Pultenea juniperina Prickly Beauty
Themeda triandra Kangaroo Grass

Copyright 2000-2009, Understorey Network Incorporated. Updated 2025-01-23
Database development and website design by Andrew Smith