
Issue Number #33
Issue Date Spring 2005
Number of Articles Online 1 Articles
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Title Project Manager's Report
Author Ruth Mollison
Position Project Manager
Organisation Understorey Network Inc

It's been terrific growing weather lately, with warm sunny days and the occasional rain shower, so if you haven't already done so-get your native seeds into tubes as soon as possible.

The wild spring flowers have been fantastic this year also, promising a bumper seed set in the next few months. It's a good time to go for a wander in a patch of convenient bush, and identify those plants that will be useful for collecting seeds from once it has set. More details on seed collecting are in the newsletter. Do attend one of the seed collecting field trips listed in the newsletter.

Some of the activities of the network over the last few months include propagation workshops at the Arboretum at Eugenana and the Botanical gardens in Hobart, both very well attended and received. We had a Preparing to Plant Day at Inverawe native gardens at Margate, the AGM at the Botanical Gardens with guest speaker Mark Fountain on the Millenium Seedbank, and a weed control day at Elizabeth Town.

In the office, coordinating the Spring Grower's scheme has kept me busy. We have been matching up growers and requests for plants, sending out seeds and organising grower's kit pickup depots in the NorthWest, North and South.

Once again, with out the generous help from others, this would not have happened. Anna Povey organised the Northerners, Redbreast Nursery was the depot in the NorthWest, and in the South, Michelle, Louise, Mary, Annie, Des, Martin and Lindy assisted on depot day, with Els, Angela and Alice also helping out with seed matching.

PS: Please excuse the delays in email that have occurred over the last few months, hopefully the problem has now been fixed.

A very grateful thank you to everyone who has helped out over the last few months, and as this will be the last newsletter before the silly season - I wish you all a Very Merry Christmas!

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