
Issue Number #30
Issue Date Summer 2005
Number of Articles Online 1 Articles
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Title Hello From the Project Manager
Author Ruth Mollison
Position Project Manager

I'm looking forward to assisting the Understorey network continue its great work, and to maintaining the energy that has made it so successful. A large part of this success is due to the commitment from past coordinators - evident from the realms of paperwork, newsletters and files that I have been unpacking in my new office at Greening Australia. More recently, a strong committee and steadfast members has ensured the survival of the network over the lean times without a paid coordinator - no mean feat!

My title of 'Project Manager" rather than co-ordinator reflects the change of direction the network will be making. My position has been funded under the federal government Natural Heritage Trust program, to implement an Understorey network Project titled 'Growing Community and Plants Together'. The funding for this project is part of the regional NRM process where projects considered a 'priority' are funded before the final regional NRM strategies and Investment Proposals are accredited.

I'll be helping the Understorey Network 'plugin' to the NRM process, by identifying opportunities where we can provide advice and training plus support vegetation projects with seed collecting or growing. This is a great opportunity for the Understorey Network to become an indispensable part of regional NRM More importantly, it will be an opportunity for members to be involved in some of the interesting environmental projects happening in our region.

The regional NRM investment proposals are yet to be finalised and released, however there are some recently funded National Landcare and envirofund projects tthat I will be investigating for Understorey network involvement in.

I am hosted by Greening Australia, which is proving very handy for Southern networking (as I'm an ex-Northerner!) with the added bonus that I'm close to our seed bank and will be delving into its depths via the Greening Australia database. Its also a great spot for coffee at Salamanca (at 110 Hampden Road, between Sandy Bay Road and Davey Street)- please feel free to drop in to the new Understorey Office, and introduce yourself.

I'm looking forward to an exciting and challenging 2005!

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Database development and website design by Andrew Smith