
Issue Number #32
Issue Date Winter 2005
Number of Articles Online 1 Articles
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Title The Wild West

Committee member Angela Jackson, and I recently travelled to the West Coast to assist the King River Action Group collect seeds for a revegetation project on the delta. We met up with members of the group, including Gary and Katherine, both Understorey Network members.

Gary and Katherine are in the Friends of the Wild West Coast group. This group is implementing a management plan for the Strahan Historic Foreshore Walking Track. Have a look at this special part of the foreshore next time you visit this area, as the remnant coastal vegetation here is a luxurious mix of species, with twining stems of Billardiera longiflora, thickets of Melaleuca ericafolia, and patches of Dianella longifolia intermixed with other wet sclerophyll and coastal species.

The group has been working with a Conservation Volunteers Australia team to remove blackberries, monbretia and other weeds from the track. The resulting bare patches have been mulched with slashed tea-tree branches to promote revegetation.

The group will also be planting with tubestock, with the help of the growers scheme, in some areas along the track. It was good to see firsthand these interesting and inspiring projects.

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