
Issue Number #31
Issue Date Autumn 2005
Number of Articles Online 1 Articles
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Title Growers Scheme

Plant Order forms will be going out with the next newsletter, during July - keep an eye out for it. All orders need to be in by the 31st of August.

If you would like to be a volunteer grower, we will match you with a member who requires plants - unless you are growing for yourself. It's a fun and rewarding activity with everything supplied - including instruction guide, tubes, potting mix and seeds.

You can collect your kit from a depot in September. There will be a workshop in your area before then, demonstrating common propagation techniques.

Growers Are Needed For:

A project in partnership with the Tasmanian Environment Centre to create bird-friendly habitat in central Hobart suburbs.
Constructed Wetlands
Want a challenge? Try something different. Growers needed for a wetland project at Riverside High School.

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Database development and website design by Andrew Smith