
Issue Number #31
Issue Date Autumn 2005
Number of Articles Online 1 Articles
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Title Project Manager's Report
Author Ruth Mollison
Position Project Manager
Organisation Understorey Network Inc

This Autumn edition of the newsletter has a propagation theme, as a motivation for some cool season planting. This and following editions will be featuring a network member and a native plant. I would love to hear your experiences as a network member, including funny stories, disasters and successes - to pass on to the network (Pictures and photos would be great). Also, any suggestions for articles are most welcome.

We have had two successful seed collecting days, one in the North at Bridport Wildflower Reserve and one in the South at Quarantine Point on Bruny Island. Both were well attended, with people taking away handy hints plus extra enthusiasm for collecting seeds.

A note for the North West members: I will be up your way in May to meet members, and would love some feedback on useful workshops/social get togethers in your region.

I have enlisted some help by starting a round of seed sorting morning teas - it's an easy way for me to get to know everyone as well. If you have some seeds and need a hand sorting/cleaning them, let me know and I'm happy to organise a morning tea in your area. It's also a great way to get to know other members living nearby.

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